Cymru Digital Internal Coordinator

Group:XR Cymru (Wales)
Location:From home role with XR Wales
Hours per week:2-4
No. spaces available:2
Meeting Time:Monday 12:00-13:00 and Tuesday 19:00-20:30
Meeting Format:Conference call
Meeting Schedule:Flexible other than weekly meeting, role can be shared
Essential Skills:Good all round IT knowledge, Verbal and written communication, Admin, Willingness to learn new tools
Desired Skills:Technical support and development, Project management, Team building, Knowledge of XR’s Principles and Values, Experience in an XR circle or team, Willingness to encourage others to learn digital platforms
Accessibility considerations: Zoom and use of keyboard

You will work alongside Cymru crew to help support them with their digital challenges, with the support of our amazing UK Digital Circle. XRUK’s Digital Circle is a UK-wide team who support and develop XRUK’s ever-expanding software, platforms, websites, messaging systems, security and data protection. Digital crew keep up with developments in technology and respond to and support requests for new functionality, or help troubleshoot glitches (sometimes by signposting to the expert in that niche). The main areas of work you would engage in are: 1: Action Network Support, i.e. our database of rebels, email platform and events organisation tool. 2: Digital Discussions and Applications (DDAT). Focussing on Mattermost, the Hub and other comms systems. 3: GDPR and Security - to ensure we protect each other and the movement. The Internal Coordinator role holds our Cymru Wales crew together by managing or supporting Cymru’s short, medium and longer-term priorities. As Cymru Digital IC you will: 1: Support XR Cymru Wales members to achieve their priorities using digital tools. 2: Maintain an awareness of what is happening in the wider movement e.g. through regular conversations with the External Coordinator, or attending meetings of the super-team if the External Coordinator is unavailable. 3: Identifying potential tech support crew in Cymru Wales to spread the tech workload and digitally empower Cymru. You will be part of the Cymru Anchor Circle, which implements the collective decision of its local groups and subcircles, and executes the XR Cymru Strategy. Anchor supports its subcircles to fulfill their mandates and tactical plans through individual subcircles and build cross-circle projects. Anchor also support decentralisation of its teams where possible in accordance with the XR Cymru constitution.

This role is being advertised by the following working group:

XR Cymru (Wales)

Location: XR Wales

Rydym yn gymuned o gymunedau o bob rhan o'r wlad sy'n ceisio ein orau i gyflawni ein 3 Galwad ac yn ymgorffori ein Egwyddorion a'n Gwerthoedd am byd gwell, cyfiawn - y byd y mae taer angen amdano arnom i ni ein hunain, ein cyd-fodau dynol a'r byd naturiol o'n cwmpas. We are a community of local groups from across the Welsh nation taking action to achieve Extinction Rebellion's 3 Demands. We endeavor to embody our Principles & Values for the better, just world that we all so desperately need for ourselves, fellow humans and the natural world around us.

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